Stepping into therapy takes courage, and if you are here, you are most likely ready for change. Sometimes two heads are better than one! We offer a welcoming atmosphere to find clarity, support, and growth. Our counseling practice sees life's challenges as opportunities to understand ourselves more fully. Our therapeutic process is collaborative; we will honor your journey with non-judgment, confidentiality, and respect.
in your relationship with yourself

Cancellation Policy:
A cancelled appointment hurts three people: you, your therapist, and another client who could have potentially used your time slot. Therapy sessions are scheduled in advance and are a time reserved exclusively for our clients.
When a session is cancelled without adequate notice, we are unable to fill this time slot by offering it to another current client, a client on the wait list, or a client with a clinical emergency.
If you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, or fail to show up, you will be charged a $75 fee for the appointment.